This month I’ve started researching a new animation project for a completely fantastic botanical story – another dream project for me! I can’t say more than that for now but it’s giving me an excuse to reflect on the equally lovely brief I worked on for Alnwick Castle, when I made a film about Capability Brown. I just love working with letterforms to bring emotion of a narrative alive, and when they dance with just the right music the effect can be powerful.
Read MoreBlue Monday Turns Yellow
Today, apparently, is ‘Blue Monday’ and I am slightly helplessly drawn to these images of spring-time buttercups. They glow for me in times of grisly winter darkness, and point ahead to what we have to look forward to when Spring arrives. Working on this little film is turning a blue Monday into a lovely, warm, hope-filled yellow one.
Read MoreCreating a New Year Manifesto
If new year has you itching to get down some thoughts and hopes for the year ahead, creating your own mini manifesto could be a great exercise.
I find myself full of seasonal hibernation feelings at the moment, and rather like folding myself into warm corners at home in between the work hours. I may not be quite full manifesto mode, but still find it helps to note down the odd words that float uppermost during a quiet time of sleeping and occasional reflection.
Read MoreDoes it feel as though your designer is on another planet? They probably are.
I want to reassure you.
Sometimes, I know that talking to the artist or designer in your working life is like trying to get through to life on Mars. I know – when you are trying to make rational business decisions and drill down into the data for some marketing direction, what you want is hard evidence to pin down and act on so the numbers will keep adding up. Sometimes, we are really good at helping you with that, figuring out the user journey or designing a lovely layout that communicates clearly and gets a great response to your CTA. And then sometimes, we appear to go off into orbit, and Mission Control has a problem, because radio contact might go patchy. The signal’s jammed, or the report coming back sounds broken.
Let me tell you what’s happening on Mars, though, because it may help.
Read MoreA Head Full of Inspiration
One of my favourite art and design haunts is the V&A in London. In celebration of a few significant achievements over the previous couple of years, I treated myself to membership, and this year I’ve been enjoying some fabulous days soaking it all up.
Time out from regular studio life has been so helpful with my thinking and creative energy finding new horizons, so I decided to reflect on how it’s helped, and see if there are lasting habits I can carry forward to keep my head full up with blooming good ideas in the new seasons ahead.
Here’s what I found, and loved.
Read More#WiseWords | Today's inky word is 'Peace'
Sometimes, peace is just peace. And sometimes, it is a whole heap of other things on the way to becoming itself, which, in the end, makes it all the more peaceful.
Peace can be the calm day of a mild summer climate, steady soft breeze, birdsong and grass while you lie on your back looking up at the big, blue sky. Peace, because all is right with the world. But what happens to peace if all is not right with the world? Does it stop existing? No, I don’t think that’s right. Sometimes, there is a more hard won, precious peace to be found.
Read MoreCase Study | Evolution Stories at the Museum of Zoology
One thing I love about my job as a film maker and animator is the site visit. Meeting clever experts in their native habitat to learn about their world first hand is just such a pleasure. My work for the Museum of Zoology was just such a case, and I often think about my first visit to this beautiful collection.
Mid-refurb, as I walked in, I looked up at ancient skeletons covered in large, protective paper sheets, past fresh, empty cases awaiting their clean specimens. Above the balcony, sea life skeletons hung from the first floor ceiling, and I felt as though I was diving into a completely other world – submersed. My contact Roz told me about the massive mammoths, giant turtles and sloths, and as we stood underneath a huge extinct rhino skeleton, how and why all these are preserved, their age, where they came from, and why they died out. Shivers ran over me as my sense of size and significance found humbling perspective.
Read More#NovemberHope
As the dark evenings draw in for winter, and struggling beneath the heaviness of our national media (in light of a General Election soon with all its awful shouting and bitching), I find myself turning to thoughts I shared I my TEDx talk – that we have to find some much better focal points. What I meant then, and what I still mean, is that if I want my social feeds to remain friendly, social and actually nourishing, then I can take some responsibility for that. So, without overcomplicating anything, last Friday, November 1st, I launched a daily tweet project called #NovemberHope…
Read More#WiseWords | Today's inky word is 'JOY'
I think about this word not as superficial sheen on life and a burden to keep shiny, but the strong light-filled presence especially when everything has a tendency to be difficult, and which arrives like a gentle hand on your back with the news that this is not how it ends, and how it ends is good, and you get to play a part in that.
There is more goodness to come.
Read MoreThe Story Behind my 'Hearts on Hearts' Film
Thrown together one confused afternoon in August. Poor in quality but high on emotion, this low-fi little film of hearts on hearts has had amongst the best responses of anything I’ve ever shared. These hearts don’t wait for their polish before being ready.
This is for all of us who are feeling confused and unsure what to do next.
”Keep going,” these little messengers eagerly say.
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